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Select the personality type above of someone in your life to explore the dynamics of that relationship. You can then select a different personality, or click the active relationship again to turn it off and return to the main personality profile.

The Dolphin

Fast, External Processor who is a Macro Focused, Relationship Oriented, Abstract Thinker.

Profile Graph of the Dolphin

Understanding the Dolphin:

The Dolphin personality is the ultimate social butterfly. They love people and love to be liked by people. These individuals live for the approval and affirmation of others. This means that the Dolphin personality is all about the WHO? Who is going to be there, who is involved, etc. It is very important to Dolphins that other people like them. People with the Dolphin personality tend to use a lot of words; they like to talk a lot and will typically use excessive details. They are very gifted communicators having a wonderful knack for painting pictures with their words. The fact that they are completely validated or invalidated by words, combined with their need to be accepted by others mean that they may be overly sensitive to criticism and rejection by others. Dolphin personalities will perceive criticism and/or rejection even when it was not intended or meant.

People with the Dolphin personality are great at multi-tasking; however, if anything is not stimulating enough for them, they will easily leave that task and move on to something more interesting/challenging to them. Dolphin personalities also have the tendency to absorb the emotional energy around them. Therefore, if they are feeling ok but suddenly find themselves in a somber environment, soon they may also be somber, or the opposite, when around high energy they also become high energy. In the wild we hear stories of dolphins rescuing humans or other creatures from shark attacks, from drowning, or various dangerous situations. Individuals with the Dolphin personality are no different, they are typically tremendous advocates. They are peace loving and will tend to avoid conflict; however, if they feel strongly about something, or someone, they will advocate for that person or the cause passionately. Dolphin personalities tend to be motivational, fun-loving, and versatile.

Important things to remember if you’re a Dolphin:

You may be overstimulating to others, make sure you take time to listen and not dominate the conversations. Also, be aware of your tendency to personalize and be overly sensitive. Take time to evaluate whether the act that hurt your feelings was truly about you.

Important things to remember if you’re in a relationship with a Dolphin:

Remember that dolphins are bubbly and use a lot of words, you may view that as insincere; but they truly mean those words. So, though it may seem over the top to you, it is purely how they express themselves.

In return, they appreciate lots of words from you. Dolphins are all about the connection of the relationship so it is extremely important that they feel you like them and like you are engaged in the conversation. So you may want to you more descriptive words than you typically would.

In fact, Dolphins want so badly to be liked, they can tend to be hypersensitive and feel disliked, disrespected, or even rejected very easily. Make sure that if you have conflict that they know you are upset about the behavior or situation, not them. They will need reassurance that the relationship is ok.

Dolphin Attributes:

Flighty, Expressive, Talkative, Whimsical, Sociable, Spontaneous, Emotional, Fun-loving, Charming, Enthusiastic, Out-going, Convincing, Playful, Jovial, Animated, Optimistic, Affectionate, Sensitive, Colorful, Disorganized

PAIR Relationship Dynamics