Covenant now offers Pediatric Speech & Language Therapy! Learn more about these new services by clicking here.

Laurel CusterLICSW

Laurel Custer Laurel is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker who has over 20 years of experience working with families and individuals as they walk the journey of grief and loss. In today’s world with so many things up in the air and there is no such thing as normal, anxiety and depression are overwhelming many people. Our sense of control and structure is no longer present. Laurel would love to help you learn new skills/ tools that can transform your life and set you on a whole new path. If your relationships are strained and you aren’t feeling heard by your loved ones. If you feel as if you are going through the motions of life, but aren’t really living. If you are tired of the same old outcome in situations, take that first step and reach out for help. It will change your life. Let’s reach for that abundant life that Jesus talks about in John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.”

Specialties Include:

Grief / Loss
Anxiety / Depression
Family Conflict
Parenting Issues
Anger Management
